Saturday 1 December 2012

Top Sea Bass Lures

We all have our favourite lures.  For me a top lure is one that consistently and repeatedly catches rather than it looks good and should catch.  That tells me there is something about the lure that entices the Bass to take as opposed to just following.  Here are some lures that I have found do just that.

Savage Prey 130 Psycho Sandeel

The Savage Prey 130 is a floating diver that dives between 40cm and 80cm.  It casts well although as with many plugs, you get the occasional spin mid air that kills the distance but most times, it stays straight.  The main thing is that it catches and I have caught a great deal of Bass both from the kayak and from the shore using this lure.  It also catches Pollack and Mackerel.  The bonus is now at the time of writing it is half the price of most top plugs!

Tackle House Feed Shallow 128

As the name suggests the Tackle House Feed Shallow a very shallow diver between 5cm and 30cm.  I mainly use this plug from the shore when fishing very shallow rough ground when most floating divers just dive too deep.  It is a great alternative to using a surface plug.  It casts OK but not as well as the Savage Prey when there is a bit of wind.  Once again, the main thing is that it consistently catches.

IMA Komomo SF-125

The IMA Komomo SF-125 is another very shallow diver 0cm to 30cm.  If need be, this plug can be made to work just under the surface by holding the rod at an angle and the action will be just as good therefore, another great alternative to a surface plug that consistently catches.  It casts very well and in my opinion, a better caster than the Tackle House Feed Shallow.

Megabass Zonk 120 Gataride Hi-Pitch

The Megabass Zonk 120 Gataride Hi-Pitch is a great casting lure and the one to use when there is a bit of wind about.  It has a hinged front lip that straightens in flight to make it aerodynamic.  It dives to about 2 - 4ft has a great action and catches!  From the shore, I only use this lure when there is at least four foot of water and in particular, when it is windy.  It can be used anytime from the kayak for trolling or cast and retrieve as long as you are aware that, when kayaking in the shallows, this lure will dive down a bit deeper than the Savage Prey. 

The hinged front lip can break under pressure when snagged.  I picked up a tip from Graham Hills blog that prevents that from happening.  The two small nodes that are designed stop the lip from hinging right back can cause it to break under a lot of pressure.  These are filed down to prevent this from happening.  See the tip here

14cm Savage Sandeel Slug with 16g Savage Sandeel Jig Head

I use the 14cm Savage Sandeel Slug with 16g Savage Sandeel Jig Head when drift fishing from the kayak and what a great lure it is.  The Sandeel slug and the jig head are purchased separately.  The head of the slug is cut off and replaced with the Sandeel jig head.  On the drift over rough ground, I cast the lure down wind and jig back to the kayak.  I have caught a great deal of Bass using this method.  The action is so realistic particularly if you give the occasional double jig.  Aside from Bass Pollack, love this lure as well.

10cm Savage Saltwater Sandeel with 16g Savage Sandeel Jig Head

The 10cm Savage Saltwater Sandeel with 16g Savage Sandeel Jig Head is used in exactly the same way as the Sandeel slug.  The action of this lure is slightly different due to the paddle tail.  Out of the two, I would say the action of the Sandeel slug is more like a real Sandeel in the water however, this is also a great catcher of Bass.  I use the heavier 42g jig head with the 15.5cm Saltwater Sandeel when vertical jigging in deeper water and have caught several Cod.

Six Top Bass Lures that Catch!

When purchasing lures there are so many colours to choose from it can be difficult to decide on which.  I really do not know if colour makes any difference.  Maybe the action and shape is more important or a combination of all.  What I have seen many times when using different lures is Bass showing interest but not taking.  I do feel I have to go on something and I like to match as closely as I can the colour of the baitfish the Bass feed on.  Sandeels, Smelt, Mackerel, Pilchards, Sprats, and Anchovies all have coloured backs with a light underside.  The backs are either light green, dark green, light brown, dark brown, light blue, dark blue to black.  The undersides are either white to silver.  There is of course the red of the gills and blood.  Take the Sandeel as an example, it has a green or sometimes light brown back with a white silvery flank and underside.

The sprat has a dark blue almost black back with a silver flank and underside.

You will notice the lures I have shown all follow a similar pattern of a coloured back with light underside.  I would much rather spend my £20 on a plug that is similar to the colours of the bait fish that swim in UK waters than something that looks like a fish that swims in my tropical fish tank or because my favourite colour is purple but as said, I cannot really be sure if it does make any difference.  What I do know is that if I keep consistently catching then I must be doing something right.

Update August 2014:  Below is a video about plug fishing for Bass over shallow rough ground.