Tuesday 17 October 2017

Kayak Fishing - Fishing with Bait and Lures - Mackerel, Squid, Thornback Rays, and More

In the video below, I set out on the kayak for a mixed species trip combining fishing at anchor with drift fishing using a mix of bait and lures.

The species caught include Mackerel, Thornback Rays, some good Squid, and more. 

Thursday 12 October 2017

Shore Fishing - Awesome Way to Fish for Sea Bass - Bubble Float - Shrimp/Prawn

Bubble float fishing in shallow water with live shrimp or prawn is an awesome deadly way to fish for Sea Bass.

In the video below, I look at reasons to use the bubble float, the types of floats, and the set up, and show the method working in a session where I catch sixteen Bass in 4 hours fishing. In addition, there are other tips and pointers such as unhooking a deep hooked fish and handling Bass.