Wednesday 21 October 2015

Ooh, Is That a Bass - NO, THIS IS A MULLET!

When plying a decent fish from a harbour wall it usually attracts the attention of passersby. I was playing a Grey Mullet when a small group of ladies came over to observe.

 The video below shows the resulting conversation proved to be amusing.

Friday 16 October 2015

Harbour Wall Fishing for Grey Mullet

Harbour walls offer convenient fishing for a variety of species. One of those species, the Thick Lipped Grey Mullet is considered by many as the most difficult to catch and they are definitely the most difficult fish to catch I have ever fished for. Although I am by no means a dedicated Mullet angler, I do enjoy a few trips each year purely for the challenge and satisfaction of catching one.

It was October and late in the year for my first Mullet fishing session, but I headed to a harbour wall I have successfully fished in previous years to see if I could catch one and below is the video of the trip.