Monday 24 August 2015

Float Fishing for Mackerel - Tips for Beginners

I am sure many of us that have taken up sea fishing have at some point float fished for Mackerel and other species such as Garfish and Pollack from harbour walls, deep shelving beaches, or rocky outcrops. No matter how experienced you become at sea fishing or how many species of fish you target the basic technique of float fishing for the humble Mackerel is for me still great fun and something I like to do a few times each summer and autumn when the Mackerel come close to shore to feed on baitfish.

The video below is one of those occasions with tips, pointers, and advice for those new to float fishing for Mackerel.

Saturday 8 August 2015

Bait Fishing for Sea Bass from the Rocks

Most times when I go shore Bass fishing in the summer I lure fish over shallow rough ground and wait until the autumn (Sept-Nov) and early winter months (Dec-Jan) before I bait fish on the surf beaches. However, occasionally I like to bait fish in the summer and rather than fishing on the sandy beaches fish off the rocks particularly, during the day when it is relatively calm with no surf on the beach. Under bright and calm conditions, I feel by fishing close to rocky weedy ground I have more chance of picking up a Bass.

The video below is one of those occasions and although the fishing proved difficult managed to catch a Bass albeit small.