Tuesday 19 July 2016

Catching and Cooking Fish and Shellfish - Smoking Mackerel Fillets

There is nothing quite like eating the fish or shellfish that you have caught yourself. The flavours are superb. There are many ways to cook Mackerel and smoking is one of them. I have a small home smoker and smoking a few Mackerel occasionally is a lot of fun.
 The following video shows the preparation, the smoking, and the final result. 

Saturday 9 July 2016

Planning a Kayak Fishing Trip - The Weather and Sea Conditions

Safety is paramount when going out to sea kayak fishing and the weather and sea conditions play a big part in the planning of a trip.
In the video below, I look at how I plan a trip as regards checking forecasts to make sure the best I can that that trip will be safe and comfortable for fishing. I look at the various forecasters I use and discuss the conditions I am looking for at the mark I intend to fish and why.