Monday 31 October 2016

Catch and Cook Fish and Shellfish - GARFISH - I See No Green Bones!

Many people that catch Garfish (Needlefish) are put off at the thought of eating them because of their green bones and scales. However, if you like eating fish, Garfish are good to eat with a sweet meat and a good texture.

In the video below, I show the preparation of the Garfish, which includes filleting that virtually, removes the green bones. The fillets are then marinated, coated, and pan-fried.

Sunday 23 October 2016

Surf Fishing for Sea Bass with Metal Lures

When targeting Bass from the beach metal lures can be very useful particularly when the conditions make it difficult to use plugs and soft plastics for example, when there are strong winds and heavy seas.

In the video below, I talk about the use of metal lures (jigs and casting jigs) and fish a surf beach on a very windy day.

Tuesday 11 October 2016

Float Fishing for Garfish - Tips and Tactics

Float fishing is a great and relaxing way of targeting a variety of species and a great way for beginners to get an introduction to sea fishing.

In the video below, I spend a relaxing few hours targeting Garfish (Needlefish) a fish that is abundant in Cornwall at this time of year. They offer good sport and fun fishing with their occasional acrobatic display when hooked. The video has tips and tactics for beginners.

Wednesday 5 October 2016

Contributing to a TV Fishing Programme (Part 1)

I was recently contacted by a TV production company who asked if I would be interested in contributing to part of an episode of a fishing programme for a national TV channel. My contribution was to help them to catch Squid from a kayak and fish with the presenter.
The video below shows meeting the crew on the day and discussing the plan etc. I was not allowed to show any shots of the fishing but more shots will be available in part 2 next year.