Thursday 24 March 2016

Kayak Fishing - Drifting for Spring Plaice - Using a Drift Chute in Flat Calm Conditions

The spring is a great time of year to target Plaice. I headed out on the kayak to do just that target Plaice by drift fishing with a couple of rods out using various baits such as Squid, Peeler Crab, Sandeel Fillets, and Razor Clam.

In the video below, I look at the various baits and the method used plus a way of using a drift chute otherwise known as a drogue in flat calm conditions.


  1. Hello Rob,thanks for your passionate and informative narration of your fishing share experiences openly and that's refreshing...I look forward to viewing your next short recording and maybe a chat in the pub,I now believe we share the same local. Cheers for now Allan.

    1. Hi Allan. Thank you for your comment, which is appreciated and glad you enjoy the videos. If you see me in the local, feel free to introduce yourself. Rob.

  2. Hey Rob B,
    This is very nice post you shared here. I appreciate you for your nice sharing. Kayak fishing is really fantastic. I read and got much pleasure. Thanks a lot.

  3. wow1 amazing post this one.


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