Monday 16 November 2015

A Guide to UK Kayak Fishing Clothing

In general, the UK is not the warmest of climates and overall the average sea temperatures range from about 6-10 degrees in the winter to about 15-18 degrees in the summer depending on the location and yearly variations. Getting wet and cold can quickly ruin a trip, and for the kayak angler who wants to fish all year round or most of the year, the right clothing is very important for comfort and safety.

I went to meet Andrew the manager from Cornwall Canoes who are part of the Canoe Shops Group, retailers of kayaks, canoes, and equipment with outlets around the country. Andrew has far more knowledge and experience of what clothing is available than I do and agreed to guide us through the options available as shown in the video below.


  1. Many thanks for this video. I have been trying to find out about clothing to wear on Kayak in none perfect weather for a while. Very well done, better than any Magazine article.
    Thank you again for all your excellent videos

    1. Thank you for the comment and glad you found the video useful.


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